Description : Ocean Free Super Copper Safe provide effective treatment for freshwater and saltwater aquarium. Key Features: * Treat & Prevent External Parasites such as Anchor Worm,Lice,Flakes,Itch, Velvet diseases etc. *Concentrated * Safe * Effective Introduction: External parasites are very common in aquarium.(e.g anchor worm,lice,leeches, gill parasites,protozoan etc.) Certain parasites are very stubborn and hard to get rid of,and will lead to severe problems eventually. "Ocean Free Supper Copper Safe" is the latest development in fish medication which kills the parasites effectively &safely.It will remain active in the water for at least 15-30 days.Thus, it is very economical in preventing and curing diseases.Does not colour the aquarium water. For Fresh & Salt Water
Ocean Free Super Copper Safe (K / 120ml)